Welcome to Paróquia de Cascais!

The local Catholic Church welcomes you to this digital portal which is meant to be a facilitator of the communication between Catholics of the Cascais community, as well as a resource for the help of spiritual growth and community building.

Cascais has an English-speaking community who celebrates Mass in English every Sunday and holy days of obligation at 12:30 in the Igreja da Misericórdia. You are more then welcome to join us.
In this page you can find the announcements and news which are more specific and relevant to this community. If you wish to find the announcements for the whole parish, please visit the other pages of this website, that are originally written in portuguese.


Every Sunday in the Igreja da Misericórdia at 12:30


You are welcome to join us singing through Mass. Books are provided at the entrance of the church and the number of the songs we sing are displayed so that you know how to follow.


Catechesis – 916 707 138
Other affairs – 914 603 525


Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible

This Lent we are offering a course by Jeff Cavins, author of The Great Adventure BibleStudy Programme, called “Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible”. It is 8 sessions long and will be on Wednesday evenings from 20:00 – 21:30, starting

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English Mass – Now at 12:30 in Misericórdia

As the English-speaking community grew in Cascais, we moved from Navegantes to a bigger church, Misericórdia. We have Mass every Sunday at 12:30. For information regarding Baptisms, Weddings, Confessions and other affairs contact the church’s services next to the main

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Christmas and New Year’s Mass in English

As it was announced, we remind you that there will be Mass in English on these festive days (December 25th, Sunday 26th and January 1st and Sunday 2nd) at Igreja dos Navegantes, at 12h30. Bring your family and friends as

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At the moment we have three catechists who are preparing a small group to receive their first communion when they are ready.


If you are available and would like to give your time and availability to the church, please let us know, for there is always plenty to do around, contacting us through the means you prefer.