Rua Luís Xavier Palmeirim, nº4
2750-412 Cascais
2750-412 Cascais
Inaugurated in 2019 by the Cardinal-Patriarch of Lisbon, the Pastoral Centre serves the parish by offering several spaces for group meetings and catechesis. We also have a registry office which is open to the public. The Pastoral Center supports various initiatives and groups in the Parish, which use its facilities for meetings and courses. When the Pastoral Centre is not being used for group activities, it serves as a place of study for students of the parish.
Inspired by the encyclical Laudato Si published in 2015, this group aims to be a community, within the parish, that reflects, prays and acts on ecological issues that lead to a profound inner transformation. This group is open to all ages and stages of life. Come along to the various lectures, conversations and other initiatives on offer. Please visit the group web page for more information.
The Holy Father invites us to reflect on Synodality in the Church, and on how to journey together with Jesus. To this end, he convened a synod on synodality, consisting of several phases: parish, diocesan, national and the Universal Church. We are currently in the parish phase of this synodal discovery.
Lisbon is preparing to host the largest gathering of young Catholics in the world. The Cascais Parish will play an active role in this event, not only because of its geographical proximity, making it possible for young people from all over the world to stay with various families and other places in our town, but also with all the support that will be needed to help with preparations for this world event. Find out what is happening right now and volunteer your time or help financially. Get to know those who are organising the World Youth Day Local Committee and find out who to contact to contribute.
The Pastoral Centre provides Catholic training activities for university students such as thematic conferences, film screenings and debates, 'doubt nights' and social events.
Visit the group's web page here to find out about its initiatives and activities.
Proposing a set of initiatives to help deepen one's faith and knowledge of Jesus and his Church.
Every day, whilst we don’t recommend Sunday which is a holy day for Mass and rest.
On Tuesday afternoons from 4-7pm study space is limited, as the rooms will be in use for catechesis.
All activities will be announced here along with the necessary details. Some activities will require prior registration whilst for others, just show up.
Request the use of the space by sending an email tocentropastoral@paroquiadecascais.org