Rua Luís Xavier Palmeirim, nº4
2750-412 Cascais
2750-412 Cascais
Whether you are visiting for the first time or whether you are one of our regular parishioners, this is a place for you to get to know our parish better, and to facilitate contact with the church in Cascais. Through this brief introduction to the life of the church and our mission, here in our town, we hope to offer you a dynamic and inviting space. To this effect, we have organised this website according to the three dimensions of Christ’s mission, who is at once our Priest, Prophet and King. It is in Him that we, as the Church, do everything and thereby continue the work of Jesus. To assist those who are visiting our site for the first time, please find below some of the topics which might help you find what you are looking for.
Get to know our parish by visiting our different churches and chapel and learn about their history.
If you would like to meet or talk to one of our parish priests, here you will find a brief introduction, their contacts and schedule of availability. If you would like to speak to someone from the parish, please consult our list of contacts.
Information about the various services e ministries that we provide can be found here, such as reading groups, extraordinary ministers of communion and our choirs.
You may like to put your Faith to work by contributing towards both our charitable works and the mission of the church through our charities and services. Donations, whether they be monetary or in kind, are much appreciated.
As our faith is in constant need of nourishment, this site provides ways to connect and teach parishioners, offering them different courses and seminars that help us to grow into a more mature faith and to live out the mission of the church, which is for all. Catechism for children, youth prayer groups such as Gomaj and JIPE, as well as adult catechism are all offered by our parish as well other initiatives which may arise such as retreats and prayer drives.
If you would like to ask for a Mass intention or if you would like to celebrate a Holy Sacrament within our parish, you can book one of our services through our registry. You may also obtain further information about the sacraments e sacramental works - such as Baptism, Matrimony and home blessings
Finally, it is here that you can stay connected to the life of the parish, following daily Mass, listening to our weekly Podcast, following our latest news and consulting parish notices.
Lastly we trust that this site, to which new content is continually being added, will serve as a valuable contribution to the building of our community. We would love to get your feedback ,suggestions and constructive criticism so that we can continue to improve this site.