Campaigns to collect goods and donations are usually organized by Amigos à Mão (Friends at Hand), a parish group that provides support to families in greater difficulty. Projects vary depending on needs and specific objectives, although there are two regular solidarity campaigns that take place every year.

Lança a Rede e Reparte (Throw out the net and share)
November and December

This campaign is aimed at filling Christmas hampers with food items to offer needy families from the community, as well as providing them with a Christmas dinner. It takes place throughout the Advent season and consists of collecting food and gifts to distribute to families which have received a referral by partner social institutions of the parish. On average, it reaches about a thousand people, most of whom are children. In a logistical operation that involves many dozens of volunteers, the collected food donations are placed in baskets for distribution.

School materials
August and September

This campaign consists of collecting school materials to distribute to children and young people from the most needy families in our community, referred to us by partner institutions. Collection takes place at the end of August and early September. Anyone interested in helping these causes can make a donation.

Throughout the year, Amigos à Mão collect donations and essential goods, such as food, hygiene and cleaning products and items for babies. They can be delivered directly to the Parish Church or by making an alternative arrangement through email.

Donations can be made to the Amigos à Mão account(Fábrica da Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Assunção e Ressurreição de Cristo), através do NIB PT 50 0035 2144 0000 2470 8303 2.