Adult Catechisis

What is it?
It is catechesis (instruction in our faith) for those who are no longer of school-going age, and covers the essential foundations of our Faith

Who is it for?
Adult Catechesis is a relatively open group aimed at people in different circumstances:

  • Those who are not baptised but would like to be so.
  • Those who have been baptised but have not received any sacraments.
  • Those who would like to prepare to receive the sacrament of Confirmation.
  • Those who, despite having received all the sacraments, feel the need for reinforcement in the catechesis they had in childhood.
  • Essentially, it is for all those who are interested in deepening their faith.

How does it work?
We meet weekly on Sundays at 5:30 pm, at the Pastoral Centre.

Frequently Asked

Yes! The classes are designed to convey the fundamentals of our faith to those who have never had contact with it.

These classes focus on the fundamentals of our faith. It may do us good to go back to these fundamentals, but it might also be more fruitful to join some of the other initiatives that the Parish proposes, especially during Advent and Lent. It would be best to discuss your situation with the catechist to work out the best approach.

An important component of adult catechesis is giving reasons for our Christian hope (1 Pet 3:15). For this very reason, if you are somewhat reticent in relation to some aspects of what the Church teaches or if you consider your faith to be small, this catechesis is an opportunity to confront the questions you may have.

There are no pre-requesites for participation in adult catechesis! Furthermore, it is being a part of this catechesis and being personally accompanied by the catechist and the priests, that will provide the pace for each individual’s journey.

If you have already done catechism for adults, perhaps it would be more beneficial to look for another course or group to help you walk and grow in the faith. If, for some reason, you still think it would be better to repeat the catechism, talk to the catechist and explain your situation.