Christ, King and Lord of the universe,
made himself the servant of all, for
“He did not come to be served, but to serve and to give his life
as ransom for the many»

Mt 20:28

For Christians, «to reign is to serve him» (219), in particular “in the poor and suffering, in whom the Church recognizes the image of her poor and suffering Founder (220). The People of God realize their “royal dignity” to the extent that they live in accordance with this vocation to serve with Christ.
Catechism of the Catholic Church, 786

In baptism we are anointed in Christ, and therefore we too are chosen to reign in His way: to reign is to serve. In caring for the most vulnerable, through initiatives and charitable campaigns, in the attention given to those most in need, the Christian royalty of those who reign with Him is exercised.

The parish works hand in hand with all those dedicated to this noble royalty. The Parish is not a social institution, therefore it collaborates with local institutions, both public and private, that have this social function as a specific mission. It is always Christ who acts in His Church, wherever a Christian is acting in His name.

In this tab, discover different ways to take a more active role in this mission, from how you can help monetarily to offering personal support through volunteering. For Christ serves, and Christians desire to be used in order to do likewise.

Amigos à mão (Friends at hand)
The way the parish seeks to serve

Partner institutions
Those with whom the parish collaborates in this mission of serving

Visiting the sick
For those who would like to receive the priest or another visitor from the parish

Be a volunteer
Make yourself available to the service of the Parish

Occasional campaigns
As and when needs arise, volunteer

Help the parish
Contribute monetarily to the day-to-day mission